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Young Professionals Summit, UK


Saturday September 14, 2019 | 5pm

While Nigeria struggles with unending circle of economic and infrastructural crises brought about by endless political corruption, sabotage of national assets and interest, the burden of poverty has remained visible among the not too privilege majority.

With a country of over 200 million people which accounts for about 12% of Africa’s 1.2 billion population, Nigeria has remained predominantly an import dependent mono-economy leaving most of her larger young population untrained and unprepared for the future.

It is worrisome that the bulk of young Nigerians who are skilled and well trained have chosen to live outside of Nigeria in developed economies such as Europe, America and Asia where they contribute immeasurably to the development of those economies to the painful disadvantage of their country of origin, Nigeria.

Nigeria has remained largely underdeveloped and backward in Technology, Agriculture and Commerce as a result of backward thinking leadership, and incompetent policymakers who are focused on satisfying private interests, instead of pursuing the general public interest.

Leadership incompetence in Nigeria has resulted in lack of patriotism. Therefore, there is a need to emphasize on teamwork geared towards improving the quality of leadership. Only competent and collaborative leaders can bring development and improvement in the lives of people.

A country can only develop with competent leaders. Unfortunately many competent Nigerians have chosen to live outside of Nigeria for lack of opportunities and failures of policy and politics.

This Summit main goal is to encourage young and competent Nigerians who live and work outside of Nigeria to see the urgent need to return back home. This is critical because they have a role to play in the social economic advancement of Nigeria. Other developed nations were built by its people. Therefore, Nigerians at home and in diaspora must endeavor to participate in the rebuilding of its country.

The aim of this conference is to proffer solutions as to how young professionals abroad can deliberately contribute towards sustainably development in Nigeria. How young Nigerians with competence and ability can get involved in rebuilding our country.

The Summit will also focus on raising Global Awareness to combat modern day slavery in Nigeria, which has become a serious threat to human existence and the Mediterranean Sea that has become the world’s biggest death spot for our Youth, Women and Children.

We have lost thousands of Nigerians to this economic genocide consuming our young population, all in the bid to seek for better life overseas. This is crucial and urgent because of the absence of competent leaders that inspires and motivates our people and most importantly our youth who are seen as trustees of prosperity.

The Claridges Hotel, Brook Street, Mayfair London, W1K4HR

All young professionals between the ages of 18 – 45

Please note that travel and accommodation costs are not covered. For participation and Sponsorship, please contact: +44 208 1098 853 OR +234 909 374 7268